EXTENDED BODY: 10 Years of GESSO Artspace

 —  Gesso Artspace, Mit Jai Inn, Corita Kent, Dorothy Napangardi, Andreas Reiter Raabe, Egon Schiele, Anne Schneider

6th April, 2023 — 27th May, 2023
Gesso Artspace
Extended Body, 2023
Exhibition view Galerie Allen
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artists and Gesso Artspace, Vienna, Austria
Gesso Artspace
Gesso Artspace
Extended Body, 2023
Exhibition view Galerie Allen
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artists and Artspace Gesso, Vienna, Austria
Gesso Artspace
Gesso Artspace
Extended Body, 2023
Exhibition view Galerie Allen
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artists and Artspace Gesso, Vienna, Austria
Gesso Artspace
Dorothy Napangardi
Untitled, 2008
Acrylic paint on canvas
41 x 30 cm
Dorothy Napangardi
Dorothy Napangardi
Mina Mina on salt lake, 2008
Acrylic paint on canvas
200 x 140cm
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Dorothy Napangardi
Egon Schiele
Male Nude (Self-portrait), 1912
Pen and brush lithograph on velum
44,7 x 40 cm
Frame: 64 x 59 cm
Courtesy W&K - Wienerroither & Kohlbacher, Vienna, Austria
Egon Schiele
Egon Schiele
Squatting Woman, 1914 (1919)
Drypoint on Massimilianico Bütten Paper
48,3 x 32,2 cm
Frame: 70 x 53 cm
Courtesy W&K - Wienerroither & Kohlbacher, Vienna, Austria
Egon Schiele
Anne Schneider
Mittwoch, (mercredi), 2016
Pigmented concrete sculpture, steel, canvas, plexiglas
187 x 60 x 40 cm
Photo : Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Anne Schneider
Anne Schneider
Feuille de corps, 2010
Allumunium paint, on canvas
36 x 43 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Anne Schneider
Anne Schneider
Girl, 2023
Allumunium paint, on canvas
71 x 44,5 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Anne Schneider
Anne Schneider
Linkes Knie, 2023
Allumunium paint, on canvas
153,5 x 18 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso arstspace, Vienna, Austria
Anne Schneider
Corita Kent
realler and more thrilling # 1, 1963
silkscreen on paper
65 x 78 cm
Courtesy Galerie Allen, Paris
Corita Kent
Corita Kent
green fingers, 1969
Silkscreen on paper
58 x 30 cm
Corita Kent
Mit Jai Inn
Untitled, 2015
Oil on canvas
193 x 208 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Mit Jai Inn
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Études de proportions ritualisées (white, green, salmon, pink), 2012
Acrylic and enamel painting on wood
150 x 6 x 1 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso Art Space
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Untitled, 2015
Enamelled plate
30 x 24 cm
Courtesy the artist and Gesso Artspace, Vienna, Austria
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Untitled, 2015
Enamelled plate
30 x 24 cm
Courtesy the artist and Gesso Artspace, Vienna, Austria
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Études de proportions ritualisées (purple and pink), 2015
Acrylic and enamel painting on wood
150 x 6 x 1 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso Art Space
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Mit Jai Inn
Untitled, 2015
Oil on canvas
40 x 30 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Mit Jai Inn
Mit Jai Inn
Untitled, 2015
Oil on canvas
40 x 30 cm
Photo: Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Gesso artspace, Vienna, Austria
Mit Jai Inn