Mel O'Callaghan
All is Life, 2022
Film 18mm, couleur et son, 32:9
18 min, 30 sec
Photo: Zan Wimberley
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

First Sound, Last Sound, 2022
Performance avec diapasons en acier, chambre de résonance en bois
20 min
Photo: Zan Wimberley
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Carriageworks, Sydney

Communion, 2022
Peinture acrylique sur le mur
11.2m x 5.5m et 12.5m x 3.6m
Credit Photo: Zan Wimberley
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Carriageworks, Sydney

Ensemble, 2013
vidéo HD à double canaux, couleur, sans son
7 minutes, 15 secondes
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Ensemble, 2013
2 vidéos HD, couleur sans son
7 minutes, 15 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Ensemble, 2013
2 vidéos HD, couleur sans son
7 minutes, 15 secondes
Photo : Aurélien Mole
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Intallation, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2016

Ensemble, 2017
Spectacle en direct avec les pompiers de Porto
10 min
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Serralves Museum, Porto, Portugal

Dangerous on-the-way, 2017
Vidéo HD 32:9 à double canaux, couleur, son surround
31 mins 56 secs
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Respire, Respire, 2019
Performance respiratoire avec un verre diélectrique
Credit photo: Simon Woods
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view UQ Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia, 2020

Centre of the Centre,, 2019
Film 20mm, couleur et son, 48:9
20 min
Photo: Zan Wimberley
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Artspace, Sydney

Parade, 2014
Performance avec les échelles en acier, les cordes et les poulies
12 hours
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Gillman Barracks, 2017

Breath Repertoire, 2021
Performances respiratoires grâce à la conception du sol
20 min 30m diamètre
Credit Photo: Aurelie Cenno
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Greater Taipei Biennial, Taipei, Taiwan

To Hear With My Eyes, 2017
Performance avec du cèdre avec du charbon de bois, un bol en acier et de l'eau, un tambour en cuir, un gong en acier, du laiton, du pigment et un sistre en cèdre
20 min
Credit Photo: Aurelie Cenno
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

L'Acte Gratuit, 2014
HD vidéo couleur, son
9:16, 30 mins
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Endgame, 2012
HD video flash programmed, couleur, son, 16:9
Durée indéfini
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Move, 2010
Film 16mm, couleur, son, 16:9
7 minutes, 13 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Primary/ Secondary Score, 2018
Performance dessin au sol et instrument à cordes
20 min
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
exhibition view Greater Taipei Biennial, Taipei, Taiwan

Chop, 2010
Film 16mm, couleur et son, 16:9
9 minutes, 13 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Ever Tried, Ever Failed, 2009
Video haute définition, couleur, son, 16:9
11 minutes 30 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Capturing Trees, 2008
Vidéo HD, couleur, son, 16:9
7 minutes, 25 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

To The End, 2007
Vidéo HD, programme flash aléatoire, color, son, 16:9
Temps indéfini
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

To The End, 2007
Vidéo HD, programme flash aléatoire, couleur, son, 16:9
Temps indéfini
Installation Museo Nogueira da Silva, Braga, Portugal, 2013
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Somewhere, 2005
Vidéo HD, couleur & son, 16.9
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

The Fall, 2004
HD video couleur, son, 4:3
4 minutes, 15 secondes
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Parade, 2016
Echelles, poulies, cordes, objets
8 x 30 x 12 m, durée variable
Photo : Ricardo Lamin
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Palais de Tokyo, 2016

Woe Implores Go
Echelles, poulies, cordes, objets
8 x 30 x 12 m, durée variable
Photo : Ricardo Lamin
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Performance, Palais de Tokyo, 2016

Going over, Going under
Poulies, cordes
Dimensions variables, durée variable
Performance Nuit Blanche, Paris, 2016 / Photo : Maureen Muse
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Going over, Going under, 2016
Poulies, cordes
Dimensions variables, durée variable
Photo : Maureen Muse
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Performance, Nuit Blanche, Paris, 2016

Parade, 2014
Acier, bois, corde, performers
20m x 5m x 5m
Photo: Stephen Ward
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Commissioned for the 19th Biennale of Sydney

Time to Act, 2014
Performance, 45 performers
Durée variable
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Endgame, 2012
Performance with diatomite stone
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris
Performance at ACCA The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Australia

MOONS (03), 2010
Jet d'encre pigmentaire sur papier superior matte 250g
Image : 100 x 100 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Balance of the Day, 2011
Tirage photographique lambda
Image : 180 x 100 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Dangerous looking-back, 2015
Argile blanche, miroir, bois, acier
120 x 80 x 74.5 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Dangerous looking-back (#4, 6, 9), 2015
Argile blanche
45 x 30 x 6 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Framework, 2014
Pin clair, acier
727 cm x 173 cm x 195 cm / dimensions variables
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

Over Lines, 2007
Tentes, fil, poids
450 x 400 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris

All In One Day, 2007
Glace, eau, polyméthacrylate de méthyle, fer, moteur pour compresseur
Dimensions variables
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Allen, Paris